The Intro Post Of Seemingly Ridiculous Ramblings

Hello QC, all you scholars, procrastinators, and procrastinating scholars! Hello!

Looks like you stumbled onto my little corner here, and if my About section didn’t give it away, it’s quite a corner. Let me give you a brief tour: if you look to your left there, you’ll see the stack of textbooks that I use to prop my head when chocolate and candy just isn’t enough, and if you turn to your right, you’ll see the ragged blanket I use to snuggle under on those rare occasions that I actually get to sleep. Like I said, mi corner es su corner.

Now I’m sure you’ve got a ton of questions after reading my About section, so, let me take you on a quick timeline that should answer everything.

Fall 2010 – Fresh out of high school with credits and a 4.0 GPA tucked under my belt, I’m on top of the world! College? Pffft. Come on, punk, bring it on.

Spring 2011 – First PNC-ed class but who needs accounting when the best friend is going to take the CPA exam and do all my taxes for me anyway. So numbers isn’t my thing after all. Sure, I’ve been acing math classes since before I could walk but hey, every Asian’s got her limits. I’ll figure out what I’m gonna do in no time.

Fall 2011 – BALA is awesome. ECON is not. Stupid supply and demand curves. I’ll give you something to supply and demand about. Turns out I have a knack for creative writing, says the A+ on my transcript. Let’s not look at the GPA, alright? It’s still in the 3.0 and that’s all you need to know.

Spring 2012 – Psychology Major, BALA Minor. “You know, if I didn’t know better, I’d say you were majoring in Psych because you can’t seem to be able to do anything else,” says the best friend. “You know, if I didn’t know better, I’d say you should be nice to me because I know all your deep dark secrets,” says I. It also appears that neuroscience is just a bunch of neurotic baloney whose purpose of existence is to tarnish my transcript with an ugly F and send my GPA plummeting to the bottom of 2.3 academia.

Summer 2012 – Meeting with the Director of BALA. On the verge of getting kicked out of the Honors program. Pleaded to stay in (I learn more in BALA than all my classes combined! Don’t kick me out, I’ll sell my souuul – alright, maybe not my soul. I’m rather attached to it). Verdict? Stay in BALA as long as I bring GPA up to 3.0 this semester and retake a class. Alright College, let’s me and you handle this like adults.

Night Before First Day Of Fall Classes (Aug 2012) – Tossing and turning like a 5 year old before her first day of kindergarten. Dreading the new semester and wondering why a hole can’t just pop up and swallow me so I don’t have to drag myself to class every day. Then, wondering why that darn letter to Hogwarts is taking so long to arrive.  Finally, wondering what’s going to happen to me if I fail another class or can’t quite make the 3.0 mark or worse, be stuck in college for longer than my sanity can handle because I can’t graduate on time. *eye-twitch*. This is not supposed to be a horror story.

Fall 2012 – Still majoring in Psych, minoring in BALA. Not actually interested in her major and no clue what to actually do with her life but hey, graduation’s still a year or so away. Got accepted to blog for QC Voices! *pumps fist into air* let’s see what this knack-for-creative-writing’s all about.

Aaand that’s all she’s lived, folks.

So I guess, at the end of the day, I am just a monkey trying to find her way while remembering that a college degree does not your future make, but a college dropout does not a future have.

At the end of the day, I am just Awesome Monkey. A blogger. A dreamer. A fallen student. A struggling student.

5 thoughts on “The Intro Post Of Seemingly Ridiculous Ramblings

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