How the Tables Have Turned

Recipe of the Week: Simple Vegetarian Quesadilla

Midterms have arrived. The dreaded tests that make up a large portion of our grade over material we just barely learned. How joyous are these days-I’ve had 4 brownies to compensate. (Can’t wait ‘till finals week.)

Freshman fifteen is becoming a scary reality.

As I sat there in my designated armchair scratching my eyes out trying to figure out how to define the word “unlimited” in a philosophical context for my test, a terrifying realization hit me. It was 8:00pm, and all I had to eat were brownies.

Ah sweet sprinkled covered chocolate goo, how I love you so.

Alas, I had sat in my armchair for four hours straight contemplating how to study for my midterm, I had completely forgotten about eating.

And that’s when I heard it, a voice from an angel: “Christina, you want me to make you something to eat?” I could have cried.

My roommate, so wonderful was she, took it upon herself to make an extra quesadilla for me. And so this week is dedicated to her vegetarian recipe.

This is a good recipe to have up your sleeve when you really don’t have a lot of time on your hands.



1 slice of tortilla bread

A handful of Shredded Cheddar Cheese

2 leaves of lettuce, cut up

1/4th small onion

½ a red, yellow, or green pepper, diced

4 mushrooms, diced


You may choose to add or remove any vegetable shown. I have excluded peppers and mushrooms from mine.

Step One: Spread shredded cheese over half of tortilla bread

Cut up lettuce and put on top of cheese









Chop up onions and put on top of lettuce (this is the time to chop up any other vegetables and add to mix)

Fold over tortilla bread and preheat oven to 250 degrees-cook for 10 minutes

Take out of oven and serve! (Currently served with sour cream)















I’m proud of my roommate for making her own meal, however, as we type she is making yet another batch of brownies (you can’t make this up).

I suppose everyone has to start somewhere, and I’m happy to have witnessed the miracle of watching a dear friend make non pre-made food. Perhaps one day she will actually eat what I make for her- alas it is too soon to tell.



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