Halloween: The Day Of & The Day After

Goblins and ghouls and witches galore!
Asking for treats and then asking for more,
A laugh and a whisper, shh, a ghost can’t be seen!
Prepare your pumpkins, it’s Happy Halloween!

And how was your Halloween yesterday?

In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy shutting down schools for the third day yesterday (which, by extension, means the after school center where I work is closed as well), this means I was actually able to get together with the best friend and chill all day like only we two lazy couch potatoes know how to do. With our class and work schedules being so wacky and conveniently opposite of each other (that means that when I’m free, the best friend is not and vice versa), we rarely get to meet up and this puts quite a strain on all the stupidity and name-calling that would otherwise ensue between the two of us and what ultimately is the very foundation of our 6-year-long friendship.

So imagine our excitement when we both had a day off, thanks to Sandy, and were able to busy ourselves away in her kitchen cooking and baking (with some Halloween-themed cookies thrown in for good measure!), and then lounging in front of her surround sound plasma TV (can you hear the hallelujah?) watching good ol’ movies and cracking up at the scenes that only the two of us find hilarious. In between, we ran like two kids on a sugar high every time her doorbell rang and we were greeted by Darth Vaders and sparkly winged princesses. Oh Halloween, how I love you and all your tricks and treats.

Midterms, homework, and all that wonderful college-related stuff, I’m afraid, was obviously put off until today, which means, you guessed it, more scrambling to get study sheets done on time and lectures successfully highlighted and understood. Fortunately, I already have a prior agreement with a friend to split up the study guide for one of my classes (remember, that tip given in this post?) and as for my other class, well, no one knows how to cram better than a college student. My lesson learned for the day? For every hour spent neglecting the work, that’s an extra hour spent making it up. So while I had a wonderful, stress-free Halloween, it’s back to the textbooks and mugs of hot chocolate. Eh, nothing a couple dollops of whipped cream can’t help.

Happy November. Countdown: 2 months left to go!

*Pic Credit: ladywinters.deviantart.com*