Half Over Or Half To Go?

It’s the classic century-old question: Is the semester half over or is it half to go?

Personally, I like to look at it as “if I can’t throw these textbooks into a boiling volcano yet, then it’s just a big fat AUUUUGGHHHHH” but hey that’s just me. Feel free to look at this semester as “oh snap, I’ve already survived two months?!” if that helps or “two…months…left. I still have two months to redeem myself!” if that helps. Like I said, I’m frustratingly more of an all-or-nothing kind of gal, but it does help to know that I’ve reached the halfway point without more than a bruise or two, and Thanksgiving Break is on the horizon!

It’s also frustrating to know that keeping up with this blog is harder than I thought. One day I’m caught up, the next, two weeks have flown by and I’m blinking my eyes at the bright monitor screen and swiveling my head back and forth between the calendar and my drawn-up post schedule. HOW can two weeks have flown by in the time it took me to flop on the couch? Oy, *peels self off couch*.

Somewhere in the midst of my flopping, I managed to keep track of registration deadlines (I learned my mistake from last semester when I registered for classes waaay too late and ended up not getting the one class I needed to make my schedule nice and pretty. You can imagine the rearranging and table-turning that ensued afterwards). This time, I had eyes and ears everywhere courtesy of my uncanny ability to eavesdrop into other people’s conversations (I’m not proud of it, really, I’m not) and I was one of the first to know when classes were put up on Cunyfirst. So there I was, a good month ago, trying to get the classes I needed to play nice with my work schedule and still try to treat myself to at least a one full day off. Elaborate maps, Complex charts, and long theoretical physics equations later, EUREKA! -complete with a side of Free Friday.

I’d like to offer what words I can to those of us who are doing last minute rearranging and table-turning:

Seriously, from student-to student, let me tell you, it’s a no holds barred, every scholar for themselves. It’s not that we have no sympathy. Trust me, when you’re the one stuck in a 7AM class with a professor who bores the coffee out of you and still assigns fifty papers and pop quizzes every week, we’ll be there patting your back and saying sympathetically “there, there”.

So, with all that being said, good luck this Registration time around and I hope we all get the classes we want. Make sure to check on Cunyfirst what your registration dates are, departmental registration started last week, and the first day of senior registration starts today. Here’s a link to the exact Registration calendar for Winter and Spring 2013. Consult it. Strategize accordingly. And May the best student win.

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