Fire Alarm Woes

Recipe of the week: Scrambled Eggs

‘Twas the crack of dawn. Light was barely seeping through the shades of my windows. My eyes popped open with a sudden realization.

“I want scrambled eggs and toast”

Does this ever happen to you? Waking up at absurd times with intense cravings is never a pleasant experience, unless you can do something about it! And trust me, I was not about to let my craving for scrambled eggs go unnoticed. Even if it was just barely 5 o clock in the morning.

It happens.

And I lied, there was no light outside, it was pitch black outside, and even darker inside (if that’s possible).

Stumbling out of bed, I did my best to not wake up my roommate. I tiptoed out of my door while managing only to stub my toe and bang my head five times. A new record.

Moving stealthily to my refrigerator, I took out the extra carton of eggs that was still left untouched. And so the beautiful tale of how I woke my roommates up five o clock in the morning begins.

For some reason, still unbeknownst to me, I decided to open the stove and leave the frying pan with a huge chunk of butter in it before I even had the eggs ready. Now for any of you who don’t know, if you leave butter in a frying pan too long, it begins to burn. If you leave it even longer than that, masses of smoke escape the pan. Which is exactly what happened.

I had just begun to add salt and pepper when the inevitable happened. The smoke had reached the smoke detector.

BEEP BEEP BEEP: were the sounds of my impending doom.

My roommates woke up with a start, completely frazzled. Looking sheepish I merely pointed to the burnt butter and apologetically shrugged my shoulders (I mean who actually talks that early in the morning?). Rolling their eyes, my roommates went back to sleep muttering something about their rude awakening.

Ah but the scrambled eggs were worth the price of humiliation! Sort of. Once the eggs were digested, the feeling was gone, and I was left doing a million and one apologies.


-Three extra large brown eggs



-Red Pepper

-Ground Black Pepper

-Shredded mozzarella cheese

Step One: (Ignore spices already in the bowl, I was tired and forgot to add the last egg in the recipe) Crack the three eggs into a bowl, and scoop out any shells that may have made its way inside. Beat the eggs until well blended.

Step Two: Dust in salt, ground pepper, and red pepper (use red pepper with discretion-it is very hot). Mix well.











Step Three: Turn stove on. Cut thin slices of butter to coat frying pan. Do not let butter burn! (Picture indicates what butter should not look like)

Step Four: Pour egg mixture into frying pan once butter has melted.










Step Five: Once eggs begin to cook around the edges, and the bottom of the pan, use a wooden spatula to "scrape" off cooked pieces to allow the rest of the mixture to cook. Repeat until eggs are fully cooked.

Step Six: Once eggs are fully cooked, turn stove off, and spread a generous helping of shredded mozzarella cheese over eggs, and cover pan.











I hope you enjoyed these scrambled eggs as much as I did! It’s a great way to start the morning (as long as it’s a reasonable time in the morning), and a great way to get you through the day.

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