The Follow-up Registration Post With Colliding Trains And Skydiving

So. Registration. How’s it coming along for you guys?

Let me tell you how it went for me, eh? As I mentioned in my last post I was one of the first to get my classes in order and sitting neatly in my shopping cart, waiting for registration to roll along. And of course, when registration proceeded its rolling, I was there, still awake a few minutes after midnight, logging into Cunyfirst and feeling success at the edge of my fingertips. Finally, after three years of this, I was going to get the perfect schedule with timings that I can work with, and most importantly, timings that meshed beautifully with my work schedule. Just gotta love it when pieces seem to fall together.

Or crash into each other like two colliding trains that go up in a blast of sanity and frustration.

You saw this coming. You know you saw this coming. Heck, I saw it coming. Long story made short? One of my classes, the only one I have to retake, for all irritatingly intents and purposes, and the one I went to the Director of the Department to discuss and the one that’s been giving me pain for a year and counting now, was closed. CLOSED. MINUTES after registration started, it was CLOSED. Are you kidding me? You’re kidding me. HAHAHAHAHA. See I’m laughing. Ugh. Excuse me, I need to go fetch my sanity that’s just skydived out my window.

*Pic Credit:*

So what’s a girl to do but make an appointment asap with the Director (again) and figure out how to squeeze myself into this class that really isn’t worth all this trouble. For one thing, it’s Computer Science, which is just a real fancy way of saying “all you’re going to learn is Microsoft Office, basically common sense stuff you’ve taught yourself and have already been using your entire school life”. For another, I’ve already taken this class and passed it and quite frankly, breezed right through it (’cause it ain’t rocket science) but still have to retake it because my professor graded me a whole grade level too low for an honors program. SIGH. This is what happens when you piss off the professor who’s in charge of your grades *insert long exasperated sigh*. I really should have known better. I deserve this, honestly.

Anyway, moping and dramatic sighing aside, the appointment with the Director didn’t go as I’d hoped either. Then again, I don’t think anyone hopes to be yelled at in the middle of a crowded room with everyone in the room staring. The nutshell version? I should have gone straight to the Director as soon as the entire registration period started and NOT at the beginning of MY level-standing registration period. Yeah, I totally knew that. There were totally huge flashing neon lights with crystal clear instructions. *Cue long exasperated sigh*

I suppose I should count myself lucky that I was able to replace the class with another different, but still required class from the same department. My timings didn’t get messed up because this class had more or less the same time, and I still have a Free Friday to boost my spirits up every week. Sure, I’m now taking two different writing intensive classes in one semester, and am looking at a total of 10+ papers (if these professors I’m taking hold true to their reviews on but hey it could be worse. It could always be worse.

So all that being said, how’s registration going for you guys? Hope you’ve got your classes enrolled in without much pandemonium. Also, I know my posting schedule is all different kinds of wack lately. I promise you, I will get the Thursday weekly routine up and running again soon. Until then, bear with me, and expect the unexpected when it comes to my posting schedule. Until then!

2 thoughts on “The Follow-up Registration Post With Colliding Trains And Skydiving

  1. The trick is to “shop” early and have all your classes ready in the shopping cart so that all you have to do is click on “step 3” and proceed to “finish” literally 5 seconds after the registration starts. Happy thanksgiving 🙂

    • I agree with your trick, Willow, and unfortunately, I waited a few minutes rather than 5 secs lol. I underestimated everyone else xD. Thank you for the comment! And I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving 🙂

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