Trying Again

I was checking out Dan Meyer’s blog (again) and he had conducted an experiment with other Lovers Of Math, where he asked any person to make and submit a rectangle on the web.  With all of those rectangles, these Math Lovers sought to determine if all of the rectangles together, each of the rectangles made by […]

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Recipe of the Week: Chicken and Potatoes Staying home for a week was fun…ish. What with all the anxiety and lack of power, I wouldn’t exactly call it a “vacation.” The night before, I went to the supermarket and bought enough food for a month. I had no way of knowing whether or not the […]

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Colors of Cancer

Reflecting on my recent trip to Disney World, I cannot help but feel a little aggravated. This aggravation came to fruition when, looking through recent “cancer talk” blogs and articles, I stumbled upon this beauty… This October was National Breast Cancer Awareness month and at every turn there was a pink ribbon staring me in the […]

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Imaginary Cartographies

I’m not saying I will, but I could go on for hours escorting the reader–forcibly, if necessary–back and forth across the Paris-Chinese border. – J.D. Salinger, “The Laughing Man” I consider myself pretty fearless when it comes to public transportation in this city.  My apartment is a good ten to fifteen minute walk from the […]

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