I was checking out Dan Meyer’s blog (again) and he had conducted an experiment with other Lovers Of Math, where he asked any person to make and submit a rectangle on the web. With all of those rectangles, these Math Lovers sought to determine if all of the rectangles together, each of the rectangles made by […]
Month: November 2012
Recipe of the Week: Chicken and Potatoes Staying home for a week was fun…ish. What with all the anxiety and lack of power, I wouldn’t exactly call it a “vacation.” The night before, I went to the supermarket and bought enough food for a month. I had no way of knowing whether or not the […]
Colors of Cancer
Reflecting on my recent trip to Disney World, I cannot help but feel a little aggravated. This aggravation came to fruition when, looking through recent “cancer talk” blogs and articles, I stumbled upon this beauty… This October was National Breast Cancer Awareness month and at every turn there was a pink ribbon staring me in the […]
Imaginary Cartographies
I’m not saying I will, but I could go on for hours escorting the reader–forcibly, if necessary–back and forth across the Paris-Chinese border. – J.D. Salinger, “The Laughing Man” I consider myself pretty fearless when it comes to public transportation in this city. My apartment is a good ten to fifteen minute walk from the […]
Undertones of frustration
I sit in a friend’s home, because mine has been dark for the past three days, and I check the email updates telling me that there is no school today – that’s good because I’m not sure if I would’ve made it in. Studying for my geometry midterm seems so long ago, yet now I […]
Halloween: The Day Of & The Day After
Goblins and ghouls and witches galore! Asking for treats and then asking for more, A laugh and a whisper, shh, a ghost can’t be seen! Prepare your pumpkins, it’s Happy Halloween! And how was your Halloween yesterday? In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy shutting down schools for the third day yesterday (which, by extension, means […]