The Friday Of The Months

HAPPY DECEMBER ONE AND ALL! Happy jingling and fa-la-la-ing, happy snow dashing and gorgeous lighting, happy hot chocolate steaming and wiggling toes under the covers snuggling. And most importantly, HAPPY ALMOST END OF THE SEMESTER!

Man, I love December. It’s like the Friday to all the months. After a long, hard year, December strolls along in its merry way and reminds me that I’ve made it through yet another year and it’s time to deck the halls and dash through the snow! It’s the final countdown, the final two weeks of yet another “the-hell-did-I-put-myself-through”-semester. And there’s something about December, maybe it’s knowing that I’m almost done, maybe it’s all the carols that are rubbing off on me, but whatever it is, I always find myself oddly motivated during this month. Seven-page paper in six hours? I’LL GET YOU DONE IN FIVE! Presentation due and my research makes no sense? GOOGLE TRANSLATE YOU ALL THE WAY! Ok-maybe not Google translate.

Point is, these are the last two weeks in the running so we’d better make them count. I find that these last two weeks of the semester tend to fly by and the next thing you know, your last final is taken and done and you’re stepping out of the building with Hallelujah as the background song.

I actually welcomed December in by churning out a seven page paper about “Harry Potter and his most defining characteristic as explained by three different psychological viewpoints” and simultaneously beating the deadline by a whole half hour! Man, you have to love that feeling when you finish a whole paper in five and a half hours and actually have a whole 30 minutes to spare. HA! TAKE THAT, PROCRASTINATION!

Of course, I can’t celebrate too much. There’s a 20-minute presentation to be given this week, along with study guides to be completed and finals to hunch down and study for. There’s only two weeks left, but it’s two weeks of a lot of work to be done.

So here’s a toast to all of you for making it to December. Let’s all whip some candy into these canes and finish off these two weeks like only a college student knows how. To December! To Us! To Us OWNING DECEMBER!

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