Listen to your Mahler.

This weekend is going to be intense. Both tomorrow night and Sunday afternoon I will be singing in QC’s Choral Society/QC Orchestra’s performance of Mahler’s Symphony No.2! This piece is amazing from beginning to end. Made up of five movements, the piece starts with a furious first movement which catches your attention. It’s filled with fierce lines in the bass section, loud and exciting brass parts and explosive percussion. The middle movements ans eased down with lovely string and woodwind melodies. The last movement has to be one of the most epic movements (besides Beethoven’s Fifth and Ninth) I’ve ever heard. Starts with the French horns off stage calling to the orchestra. Later on, the trumpets go backstage and play the same call. It’s like they are calling upon the birds because the section after is what conductor Maurice Peress rightly names the “birdie section”. After the birdlike melodies played by trumpets and flute, the chorus finally comes in!

Well if you wanna know how the chorus part sounds like, come listen to us in person! Tomorrow night we will be playing in the Colden Auditorium at 8pm. Sunday at 5pm we will be performing at the Church of Heavenly Rest in the upper east side. For more information here is our facebook event:

Here’s an idea of what to expect: