I really dislike the word “resolution,” I decided. There is such a hard-edged finality to it. Sure, I’ve been thinking about making changes in my life now that we’ve glided into the next b’ak’tun, catastrophe averted, and new calendar year. The word “adjustment” sounds more palatable and attainable. What are your New Year’s adjustments? My (public) list includes: write a helluva more, submit to more journals, read continuously, read more Chinese and French. And maybe keep my house tidy on a more regular basis.
Recently I find myself toggling between three books for different segments of my commute or idle time. Nabokov’s Lolita (a true master of the English language he is), Thoreau’s Walden (in search of a lofty and quotable ideal for friends’ wedding), and War Trash by Ha Jin (historical fiction about the Korean War, prereading for my spring fiction workshop).
Another temperate winter season is upon us, it seems. Keep those sunny days and sunny thoughts coming, 2013.