Friday – It Started Out Okay

Today started out as a pretty okay Friday. I woke up when everyone else was already out of the house, which means I got to wander around in a blanket and stick my head in the refrigerator and not be judged. There was a little setback when I scanned the oddly spacious refrigerator and deduced that it did not, unfortunately, contain the plate of breakfast noodles my mom promised me last night…

Thanks, Mom...Thanks

Thanks, Mom…Thanks

Instead, I grabbed a bowl of Cheerios, flopped onto the couch, and proceeded to catch up on my latest kdrama addic-appreciation. ‘Tis the life, ’tis the life.

Later, once breakfast and my routine Friday morning lounging was out of the way, I dived right into checking my emails, armed with, what else, a steaming mug of tea. I got a particularly interesting email from the QC Bursars office saying that I had a balance on my account I hadn’t yet paid. *Chokes on tea and splutters* Uh, what now? According to the email, I had a balance of $18. Well! You can imagine the indignant fit I threw right after that.

“What the HECK” – jabs computer screen with my teaspoon – “I will have you know that I am EXTREMELY fiscally responsible” – jab – “and I happen to know that I paid my tuition in FULL” – jab – “and really now, $18?! Why would I just conveniently forget to pay $18 of my entire tuition?!” – jab jab jab- “And a late charge? A LATE CHARGE? I paid my tuition TWO WEEKS before the deadline. IN THE MORNING. DRAGGED BY THE BEST FRIEND. Auuuuugh” –


*twitch twitch twitch twitch twitch*

Once I finished sipping my tea furiously, I went straight to Cunyfirst to check my account, and lo and behold, right there, the words “Change Of Program Fee”. I racked my brain trying to figure out what program I changed exactly and then, after looking at my program codes, it hit me. My internship. I signed up for an internship a couple weeks ago after the semester started and apparently, that’s where the $18 came from. I am paying…to do free work for other people.

Paying…to do free work…for other people…AwesomeMonkeymeme-angry

So that was my Friday. I told you it started out okay. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go count out $18. *sighs sadly* The life of a college student…forever sacrificing lunch money.