Math in the Tweets?

So Wednesday came and went.  I can’t exactly say that I nailed my final observation, but rather I may say that it was my worst out of all four! No matter, I still learned from it and I can now focus all my attention on what is to come.






Life, that’s funny to think, but yes life then hits and I’m pretty excited about it.  I still want to keep track of ideas of what I can do with life, or rather to be incredibly more specific, the math lessons I’ll be teaching in my life.  To this effect I really am excited to mention how I just stumbled across the twitter page Math In The News, @MathInTheNews.  Whoever posts these tweets gives News References for Mathematics problems or concepts that were mentioned.

With this my mind is spinning, what an awesome project for the students to work on! If students had the ability to go through and pick an article and write about the mathematics involved.  Also, these articles could even be used as motivational pieces to certain lessons, introducing the students to something new with a bit of news instead of the typical motivations we’ve seen.  I’m so excited about this twitter page, so you can bet I’m following it.

In previous posts I’ve tried to do a little mentioning in my shout outs to the New York Times, but I mostly focused on Educational practices. Thus, with the collection of articles, all from different sources, I feel like the possibilities in the classroom are endless.  Ideas?