
For close to two weeks I was experiencing some type of writers block which prevented me from coming up with any topic to share about with you fellow blog visitors. I have no idea why I completely forgot about one of the most enriching cultural experiences I’ve ever had. Once it was in my head, I knew that I needed to get my hands on the keypad and type away! In March of this year, I had the pleasure of touring a European country with my one of my best friends. This wonderful country was Greece. From the moment I found out that I was going, I cracked open the translation dictionaries, determined to prevent the language barrier from keeping me from having a wonderful time. After memorizing countless phrases such as “kalimera” and “marese elada”, it was finally March 21st. and I was ready to board the plane that would change my view of the world forever. I know it seems like I am up scaling my experience, but you need to visit to know that everything I’m saying is nothing but the truth. After 14 hours and two planes, we landed in Athens a bit tired and very hungry. After lugging our bags up to our hotel room, we set out to find our first meal. After walking simply a couple blocks, we found a Souvlaki House. It made me laugh that in a country halfway around the world, I would find a motto that brought me so close to home; for the sign said “Come hungry, leave happy.” I fell in love with the fresh Greek salads, spinach pie, and feta cheese that seemed to be served with every meal. The best part about the food in Greece? The wonderful gelato, that costs less than a Euro and comes in amazing flavors, such as Nutella and Kinder. After this wonderful first day, our real trip began. We rode up to Delphi, heard countless stories on the Greek gods, shopped (and got lost) in Athens shopping center, and finally started our journey out to the Greek islands and Kusadasi. With every high, there has to be a low. Our first day out on the cruise was a bit harsh for us land folks. With a storm headed our way and ridiculous waves, over 100 people were seasick. Luckily the weather cleared up just as we reached our first island: Mykonos. As we walked across the island, we found numerous parties going on and everyone just looked so content with their lives. It was something a New Yorker would find extremely weird. The remainder of our trip consisted of trying Turkish Apple Tea, learning how Turkish carpets are made, and viewing the gorgeous Mediterranean. My favorite of all the islands by far was Santorini. We rode donkey’s up the mountain, and were given the most amazing view of a volcano close by. When it was time to return to the US, many tears were shed, but I promise I will be going back someday! I highly suggest that you all go as well- you will be blessed with an experience you will never get anywhere else!