Better Late Than Never

I left my blogging abruptly in May of this year. Some of you maybe thought I gave up. Others probably assumed what actually did happen (my cancer came back). And maybe some others thought I did not take my job seriously. But, like I said, my cancer came back and took hold of my life once again. I was re-diagnosed with AML and this time the diagnosis strangled me. Everything stopped. School got put on hold again. Writers block swallowed my words. The past six months seem like a strange blur. I finished the first semester as an MA student at QC. Right after I underwent another month of induction chemotherapy.  It was another month locked down on Sloan. This stay was different than the first—it was harder. Two days before I went in, I buried my biological grandfather that helped raise me. Grief and mourning coveted my existence. Through all of this, I had to somehow prepare for my upcoming bone marrow transplant. I had my family on my side, friends that prepared with me for all of these life changing events, nurses cheerleading me on. However, what I didn’t have for this battle was myself. Somewhere along the way bits and pieces of me crumbled up and fell to the wayside. I still haven’t found myself. I am still recovering from my transplant. The first 100 days post transplant are the most delicate as I have no immune system. As these 100 days go by (today is day 70) I am trying to pick up the pieces of who I used to be. I am still unable to enroll in classes as I am still under a sort of quarantine. Not all the pieces of who I am can be picked up and dusted off like I would like them to. But I do have four unfinished blogs for QC Voices that I intend to finish. Some things are just done better late than never.

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