So, I wanted to put this up a while back, but was thinking about submitting it to a few journals, or using it for my Amtrak Residency application. Did you hear about that, that Amtrak was offering free cross-country train rides to aspiring writers? It sounded pretty sexy, until word about the fine print got out; namely that upon submission, all application materials – writing sample included – become property of Amtrak. But of course, right? Win or lose, your work is now Amtrak’s, and thus unfit to print anywhere else but their website or other promotional materials. All that for, what – a free ride in a slow metal box… to Detroit (16+ hours)? New Orleans (30-48 hours)? Chicago (22-28 hours)? I do love writing, and I do love train travel, but after a couple delayed journeys from Ann Arbor to Chicago (4.5 hours have turned into 7 on more than one occasion), who would want to put themselves at the mercy of the Scamtrak? Then again, I hear people do sometimes get a lot of writing done in prison.
Anyways, here’s the story. It’s still very much a draft, but it’s in its later stages. Let me know if it makes you feel something.