Cheddar Broccoli Mac and Cheese!

Hey everyone! I wanted to do a quick recipe with you guys before I release my next post (which is going to be a big one). This my recipe, originally found here. Once again, I adjusted the ingredients and steps a bit in order to make it easier for you all. This recipe is great for those that love broccoli cheddar soup, or just for anyone that loves mac and cheese. It even has some greens to make you feel better about eating pounds of dairy. This recipe serves 2-3 people. So here it is!


1/2 cup chicken broth

1 cup whole milk (or whatever  milk you’d prefer)

1/4 cup all-purpose flour

1 tbsp butter

3 cup shredded cheddar

1/4 cup ricotta (optional)


1/2 cup grated parmesan

1/2 lb elbow pasta

1 head broccoli


Firstly, preheat your oven to 400°F. Then fill pot with water to cook the pasta. Grab another pot and bring the stock and the milk to a boil. When it boils, bring the mixture to low heat.

While all that is going on, mix the butter, flour and cheeses together a bowl. Mix well. Add the cheese/flour/butter mixture to the milk and stock mix and raise to medium heat. Whisk until it thickens.

Chop the broccoli into smaller pieces, to preference. I like to have my broccoli nice and small. Add the broccoli to the cheese/milk mixture and stir from time to time as to not let the cheese stick or burn to the pot.


Once the pasta is cooked to al dente (“firm to the bite” or basically just not super soft), add it to the cheesy mixture.


Put all of it into a medium baking pan (or just a oven safe bowl). Bake at 400°F covered in foil for 5 minutes then 5 minutes without. The 5 minutes without the foil will give you that nice browning that will make you look extra chef-like, without all the effort. So that’s it! Now get to eating!


Side note: the color of your mac and cheese will differ based on the type of cheddar that you use. I happened to use a block of aged white cheddar so it came out much whiter than if you happen to use a bag of yellow cheddar. Any sort of cheddar will do.