Hillary’s “Secret”

You don’t really have to watch this video to know what Hillary is announcing. Surprise, surprise, Hillary is running for president! And as many have said, it has probably been the world’s “worst-kept” secret. Besides the obvious confession, if you take the time to watch her announcement video, it is probably one of the most […]

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Talk about Tax

Growing up, there was always one day of the year that caused me to quiver in fear. It was marked on every calendar in our house with an ominous red circle. This date is April 15: Tax Day. What to many people might be just another balmy spring day is a harbinger of stressful late […]

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Considerations of Canon

Canon is that shining, golden, absolute of fiction. It is the be all, the end all. And piecing it together is one of the great joys of fandom, especially that of older and more sprawling works. However, there comes a time when canon isn’t really all that important. Benjamin Bailey at Nerdist wrote that sometimes […]

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The “Name that Shall Not be Named”

Conspiracy theories always seem to find their way back to one “organization,” the Illuminati. The Merriam-Webster definitions of illuminati are: “any of various groups claiming special religious enlightenment”, “persons who are or who claim to be unusually enlightened”, and “elite”. However, Dictionary.com gives some more interesting definitions: “persons possessing, or claiming to possess, superior enlightenment” and […]

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