Repeatable Squash Pattern by Hand

As I was scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed last week, I saw a post by Skillshare. I’ve always wanted to make a repeat pattern but I don’t know how on Photoshop or Illustrator. I don’t have those programs anyway. T_T Thus, I was extremely happy to see this tutorial on how to make a repeat pattern by hand. Keeping with the Thanksgiving theme, I decided to draw a variety of squash for my repeat pattern.


I used 8 x 11 paper because it’s a standard size; it can easily be scanned and copied.
You may have these items at home already:

    • tape
    • paper
    • ruler
    • scissors or an exacto blade
    • pencil, pen, or other medium of your choice
    • reference pictures

Using an exacto blade and ruler to cut the paper is more accurate than using scissors. However, you need a cutting mat to protect your work surface when you cut. If you use a blade, be very careful to not get cut!


Look up pictures of squash. They come in so many shapes and colors!


Image by Earthbound Farm

When you have your images, draw them on the paper. Make your drawings don’t go off the edge! Try varying the sizes and orientation of the squash. I drew my squash in pencil first and then lined them in black pen. If drawing the details is intimidating, draw the outline and keep the drawings simple.

Repeatable Pattern Blank Sheet

Repeatable Pattern Initial

Cut the paper vertically. If you’re using scissors, draw a vertical line separating the paper into two halves first on the back and then cut along that line. If you’re using an exacto blade, carefully hold down the ruler as you slice the paper in half. Keeping the orientation of your design, switch the two halves and tape them together on the back.

Repeatable Pattern Cut one

Cut the paper horizontally. Do the same as you did cutting the paper vertically but with a horizontal line instead of a vertical line. Switch the two halves and tape them together.

Repeatable Pattern Done Cutting

Where did that space come from?!?!

You should have a lot of empty space in the middle of the paper. Draw more squash to fill up the space.

Repeatable Pattern Complete

Now you have a repeatable pattern. If you prefer to color digitally, scan this image. Otherwise you can photocopy this image before you add color in case you want to try different colors. Note that color photocopies of your pattern may be different from the original depending on your printer.

You can use your repeatable pattern to make wallpaper, wrapping paper, and other crafts. I can’t wait to see what your designs look like! If you have any questions, ask in the comments.

Crafting away into the sunset,