Even if you hate it. Even if you flunked it in high school.
I don’t know about you, but I can’t function well without coffee. I get all foggy, sentences are processed slower in my head and I just have a harder time being human. Of course, this kind of dependency is not completely healthy. I’m okay with that though, because a little kick doesn’t hurt. Especially during finals […]
It has not been easy to be Muslim in America. Although I am not a Muslim, I came of age in a time when Spike Lee’s Malcolm X was part of a renewed Black nationalist consciousness rising up in the Hip Hop community of young Black teens in the 1990s. So I identified with political […]
Last Thursday, Samantha and I, with our friend Maggie, started our Campania region adventure in Pompeii so we could have enough time to visit certain sights. The next day, we joined our school group and visited Capri, Sorrento, and Naples. Pompeii We stayed a night in Pompeii to have enough time to climb Mount Vesuvius […]
One of the fundamental experiences of living on your own is cooking. It’s usually cheaper to prepare meals from groceries than to eat out most of the time. A few times a week Samantha and I go to Conad, an Italian supermarket chain, to get ingredients and food. We go so often that we know […]
A professor of mine once marveled at how nonintuitive the real numbers are. If you were going to pick a set of numbers to do math with, would you have made sure to include the square root of 17?
His casual comment points to something essential about numbers, something that every mathematician knows but that no one seems to talk about.
Last week, I was watching “Everyday Italian” on the Food Network (favorite channel, favorite show, don’t judge. Also, wild spring break). Giada de Laurentiis is a famous Italian celebrity chef with countless cookbooks and a house in Malibu. She has a number of TV shows, but in this one she cooks Italian classics right from […]
Last week’s post was all about checking your privilege, but here’s a fun way to do it with a quiz: http://www.checkmyprivilege.com/ All you have to do is press “Check My Privilege!” and you start a short quiz to see how privileged you really are. I got an 85 out of 100 for how privileged I […]
On Saturday, April 23, 2016, my classmate, Nicolle, 25, Ecuadorian-Polish, told me about what has been happening in the aftermath of the April 16th earthquake that struck her homeland, Ecuador. “…yesterday there were 3 quake[s] in Guayaquil—my city, and Isla Puna close to Guayaquil.” Help Alert: Hostos Responds To Ecuador Earthquake With Hope For Ecuador Relief Concert […]