RaMen > Most Men

“Ramen, the only thing on this Earth that falls into the ‘men’ category that doesn’t disappoint me,” my friend Brittany said as she dug into a steaming hot bowl of Miso Ramen noodles. Ramen is the most comforting food I can think of (other than the homemade chicken soup my grandma makes). This Japanese soup dish is […]

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What Do You Care About?

Meet Clara: She’s a junior at Queens College who cares about her friends and family and fostering relationships between them. I ask her why she doesn’t bring up politics and government: she simply states that it’s because she doesn’t feel like it really affects her. When I hear anyone say this to me, my first […]

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When you think of the most caring person that you know, who do you think of? What does caring mean and why does it matter? To me, caring means wanting to be there for someone or something: you can care for yourself (an important one), care for a pet, care for your grandparents, care for […]

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