College is the Time to Organize

Last semester I wrote a post after Election Day about how Trump’s presidency has a great potential to invigorate organizing power amongst marginalized people around the country. When things are “good”—our president is black, no one’s coming after anyone’s rights, etc. etc.—no one bats an eye. We get too comfortable, and therefore complacent, about the […]

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My Top Three Books for Quantitative Thinking

In many a high school math class, one student raises his hand and asks, “Why do we need to know this?”

Sometimes a teacher responds, “Because math teaches you how to think.”

Leaving the strengths and weaknesses of that answer aside, let’s talk about some books that can teach you something about how to think.

You won’t see many topics from your high school math classes in these books. but all of them deal with quantitative concepts. What’s more, all have helped me understand the world more clearly.

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Shhhh! Chinatown Off Beaten Paths

Chinatown has long been the frequent for many New Yorkers and tourists. Today, let us venture forth into Chinatown’s off beaten paths. Alleyways, bakeries, backstreets and yes, a store that only sells chopsticks. 1. Yunhoung’s Chopsticks (50 Mott Street, Chinatown) Chopsticks, chopsticks everywhere! If you love eating with chopsticks (as I do) you’ll find Yunhoung’s […]

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