Bill T. Jones is an artist and mover who I’ve been enthralled with for my entire adult life. I would even say that he is one of my heroes; a kind of queer Father figure (luckily I already have a real-life queer Mother) who I’ve never been able to have a relationship with due […]
Month: October 2017
Congress Needs to Pass a Ban on Bump Stocks

In the wake of the worst mass shooting in our country’s modern history, something has happened that has not occurred after previous tragedies: members of Congress in both parties are openly considering taking action. Due to the fact that the murderer made use of “bump stocks,” a firearm accessory that allows a semi-automatic rifle to […]
A Plan For Puerto Rico

Helping Puerto Rico has been one of the most significant challenges faced by the United States this year. As an island territory, most of our citizens living there do not pay federal income tax but do pay other taxes that add up to $3 billion annually. Their representation in government is severely limited, with their only […]
The Hate U Give When The Rainbow Isn’t Enuf

In 2014, professional football player Richard Sherman gave a postgame interview heard around the world, an exuberant and adrenaline-infused declaration that he was the best after a miraculous play in a championship game which prompted approximately 623 unique individuals to go on television the following Monday and call him a thug. It seemed that for […]
Queens College Should Stop Promoting Vector Marketing

There is a company that has an almost permanent presence on the Queens College campus. Its recruitment posters show up without fail in hallways and classrooms, proudly advertising part-time work with a payment that, at first glance, appears to exceed the minimum wage. This company, Vector Marketing, even features a complimentary quote of a student […]
America Was Never Great

I find the phrase “Make America Great Again” quite amusing, simply because it’s self-contradictory and ironic. The phrase “Make America Great Again” baffles and confuses me. ‘Again’? Are some of us unaware of America’s history? We are the only nation to have dropped an atomic bomb, which wiped out two cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki with a death […]
Amazon Auctions off Exploitation and Gentrification to the Highest Bidder

Let the rat race begin! This past week Amazon, the world’s largest online shopping retailer, unveiled plans to open a second North American headquarters as a counterpart to its base in Seattle. Well it’s not exactly a plan, more like a lottery that its dangling in front of every major city with a population over […]
What’s in a Meme?

For a blog that purports to be all about memes, I may have been unfair to some readers in my first post by not offering a proper explanation of what I’m talking about when I say “meme.” Sure, most people who, like me, spend a sickening majority of their time on the Internet are familiar […]
Hidden NYC – The Ugly Side of New York City

“When I ask for food or money, people look at me like I’m dirty, like I’m a crackhead. It isn’t even about the food or the money, I’m struggling – really struggling, it wouldn’t kill them to smile at me, to show me some kindness.” With Fall here and the holidays knocking at our doorsteps […]
LIVE NUDE (rapists) in the New “Clockwork Orange”

image credit: To Do List It’s apparently a great time to make stage adaptations of dystopian novels. In my last post, I mentioned the Broadway adaptation of George Orwell’s 1984, currently running at the Hudson Theatre. This week, another famous dystopian novel hit the stage: the off-Broadway production of A Clockwork Orange officially opened at New […]