Endings, Beginnings, and Pumpkins (oh my!)

On Friday I took my last [undergraduate] midterms ever! It’s so surreal. My Euro exam wasn’t too bad, but dear lord was my lab practical hard. If my professor is reading this, some sympathy points would be appreciated :D

I really can’t wait to graduate; I admit that I’ve never been someone who has made the most of my “college experience”. That notwithstanding, the thought of graduating is frightening as well. I’m worried that I won’t find a decent job. I’m also worried that I will wind up not going to law school. I’ve signed up to take the LSATs in December, but there’s always the chance that I will do poorly or won’t get into a Law School.

On a totally unrelated note, I went pumpkin picking today. We went to Lewin Farms, which I highly recommend. You get to pick them off the vine which I prefer and is cheaper too. I got a big one and two smaller ones for $9!