
One of my absolute favorite type of music has to be the sounds of the Balkan and Gypsy culture. From the loud brassy explosions to the energetic fiddles, I love it all. The scales are exotic and you cant stop yourself from dancing. If a part of your body is not moving while listening to the music, then there’s something wrong with you.

I recently had once of the best Balkan experiences of my life on my 22nd birthday last week.I finally got to go see the fantastic Slavic Soul Party! at a small (oh and i mean verry small) bar in Park Slope called Barbès (named after a town in Paris!). In fact they play ever tuesday night there so I got lucky that my birthday landed on a tuesday night! Oh and it was great. I was in a state of elation as I made my way through the front of the crowd and literally danced right next to the band. Yes, this was a ballsy move but it felt right and it was right. Many others joined me in dancing afterwards.. The positive and amusing reaction from the crowd made the band go nuts.The drummer was playing his drum in the air as the trumpet players made his way through crowd. Close to the end of their performace they left the tiny venue and played behind the bar! Oh and thank god I have pictures to prove it…

To make that experience even better, I talked to the snare drummer afterwards and told him how I knew the words to some of the songs cause of my Balkan Ensemble experience at Queens College and he invited me to sing with them next time I go! I am super excited for when that happens.

So if you’re looking for a little more Balkanization in your life, go to Barbès on a Tuesday night at 9pm and get in tuned with a few fellow Brooklyners who know how to do it right…



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