Cold Snap

Having a very placid Sunday, holed up at my favorite coffee shop to work on a submission for fiction workshop.  My teacher Maaza Mengiste is reading at Queens on Tuesday, which I’m very much looking forward to.  I’m only about a month into the MFA program but I feel that things are progressing swimmingly.  The real challenge is apportioning my time to be able to do schoolwork and reading on top of my forty-hour work week and social calendar.  I guess I should feel lucky to have such a First World problem.

Perused the vintage offerings of Williamsburg yesterday afternoon as the day went from unseasonably muggy to drab and gray.  We beat a hasty retreat to my friend’s home to listen to records, nibble on pomegranate seeds, and play with the cat.  Whipped up a nice dinner, too: quinoa and baked vegetables, a salad of sprouts, radishes, mushrooms, and red leaf lettuce.  Cheesecake for dessert.

I went to a poetry reading at Milk and Roses afterward, where we had huge glasses of pinot noir.  We moved on to another bar and lazed about for a while longer.  By the time I left, there was quite a chill in the air.  I found myself scampering down Manhattan Avenue, getting hungry just thinking about leftovers at home.  Scarfed down some rice with beef, onion, and garlic, and plenty of whole pickled chili peppers, of course.

O! fleeting weekend.  How I miss you already.

One thought on “Cold Snap

  1. The highlight of the “First World Problems” site really got to me. As I relax reading blogs, the luxury of lounging is lost for so many. Still, as I continue to read, that problem is lost, and I contemplate how you enjoy listening to others (your teacher and the poems), and I’m relaxed again in my lounge time.
    I hope your weekend wasn’t so short lived.

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