Awesome Monkey Blogging – Take II

I’m ba~ack! Some of you may have noticed that I took a little hiatus during the entirety of the Winter Break (and for those of you who didn’t notice, shame on you. SHAME ON YOUUU). The hiatus was because I was taking a winter class, and also thought I’d pat myself on the back for blogging ever so diligently during fall semester. It’s okay, no need to put on an act, I know you all missed me. *Waves to all my invisible readers* I missed you guys too!

Anyway, now that Spring Semester has come in all its blistery wind glory, I’m happy to say that the hot chocolate has been replaced with equally delicious hot milk tea and the late night blogging has officially commenced!


So how was everyone’s first week of Spring Semester? Are we all still rubbing our eyes as we trudge up the hill onto campus and completely disoriented because our body clocks are still on Winter Break time? Yeah…I know. Honestly, my Winter Break was so nonexistent because of my winter class (my days off rounded out to a grand total of four hibernating days), that I now have to resort to two different alarms in the morning just to make sure I get up on time AND one of the alarms is strategically placed around the foot of my bed so I have to actually sit up and crawl all the way to the other side and turn the darn thing off. And by then, the cold has usually hit me and the best friend’s “are you awake?” “Are you awake now?” “Hello?” “Hellloooooo?” texts start to come in. And people wonder why I’m not a morning person.

I do have good news though! My miserable, absolutely disgraceful 2.3 GPA that spawned Awesome Monkey’s existence…IS NOW A 3.2! That’s right Ladies and Gents, and all it took was a semester of A+, A, A-‘s and a B+. Excuse me while I laugh successfully and dance my happy dance. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, yeah!* I’M A NERD AND I KNOW IT!

Honestly, I’m still in shock. See?AwesomeMonkey2013.2

GAH! *slaps self* SNAP OUT OF IT. There’s no time for shock! My schedule is packed to the max this semester with classes six days a week, plus working full time in the afternoons. Yeah I don’t know when I’m going to sleep either. Hence the alarms and the crawling and merciless cold wind blowing in from unseen nooks and cracks. At least I know there’s always a hot cup of milk tea to up my tolerance level.

I am glad to be blogging again though. Hope you guys are off to a fantastic!-er, great!…Let’s all survive until Spring Break, eh?

Countdown: 2 months!


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