Super Bowl In Review


Well that Super Bowl was anti-climatic! What could be considered the greatest offense of all time went head to head with the league’s best defense, and was utterly shellshocked.

From the first snap of the game, the Denver Broncos looked out of sorts. It was almost as if the Seahawks came out as the bigger, stronger and more excited team, scaring the Broncos. As the first snap sailed over Peyton Manning’s head, you just kind of got the feeling that this was going to be a bad day for Manning and the Broncos.

The first snap of the game sails over Peyton Manning's head and into the end zone for a safety.

The first snap of the game sails over Peyton Manning’s head and into the end zone for a safety.

Now, I picked the Seahawks to win this game, but unless I had the ability to read the future, there is no way I could have predicted this onslaught. Nobody saw this coming. I definitely thought that the Broncos would be able to move the ball, and get multiple touchdowns. For the Broncos to finish the game with only one touchdown was an embarrassment to Peyton Manning and the Denver Broncos. Their touchdown came when the game was already decided.

What really ended the game was Percy Harvin returning the opening kickoff of the second half for a touchdown. The Broncos went into the locker room knowing they have a long climb in order to win the game. With all of the planning and motivation that should go on in the locker room, how do you come out and give up an instant touchdown. That to me shows a complete lack of will-to-win.

Percy Harvin returns the 2nd  half kickoff for a touchdown

Percy Harvin returns the 2nd half kickoff for a touchdown

I do not even know who to blame. My first instinct was to blame Peyton Manning. The surefire Hall-of-Famer failed to win his second Super Bowl, and in doing so ended up with a losing record in the playoffs. That just might be what keeps him from being considered the best quarterback of all time. Had this even been a close game, Manning’s legacy would have stood up in the conversation for best quarterback of all time. With what happened in this Super Bowl, I can’t even consider him anymore. If I were to judge a quarterback on only their regular season performance, it would go to Manning. However, the barometer for judging quarterbacks is with their performance when it matters. Manning doesn’t back up his stats with playoff wins. In what could be his last chance to get another ring, he was utterly embarrassed.

You cannot forget to put the blame on the head coach. With two weeks to prepare, the Broncos were overmatched in every category on the football field. They were completely destroyed. The Seahawks were well prepared. They know what this game meant. The Broncos came out flat. I did not see the fire in their eyes when they came out. The Seahawks looked like the team that was coming for blood. The Broncos looked like the team that wanted to run away and cry. All of this goes back to coaching. Pete Carroll is one of the best coaches in the NFL, and he showed why with how he had his Seahawks prepared for this game. John Fox looked like he did not belong anywhere near Pete Carroll.

Denver Broncos head coach John Fox

Denver Broncos head coach John Fox

The fact of the matter is that there is a very good chance for a rematch next year. The Broncos are easily the best team in the AFC. The AFC is a weak conference, and unless something dramatic happens, they should easily make the playoffs again. The Seahawks are in the toughest division in the NFK, but they will be bringing almost the same roster into next season, making them equally as dangerous.

Before this Super Bowl, I was thinking this could be the greatest Super Bowl of my lifetime. With a rematch next year being something that could definitely happen again, I do not know if I want that to happen. After how boring this Super Bowl was, I may not want to watch these teams match up again. I can’t believe I am saying that now, after being so excited for two weeks up until this game.