I tried to publish a few posts earlier. In fact I had started a couple of posts throughout the week, but never got to publish them and left them as drafts till it was pointless for them to be published. I should have kept in mind that publishing certain posts are time sensitive and would be otherwise pointless if published later. For instance publishing my post about the snow is now completely absurd. In any event I try my best, and I know I can get better as we go along. Since I didn’t get to publish a couple of posts which would have been a reflect of the things that was going on in my head throughout the week, I have decided to combine the important facts into one post for now.
- Snow
We all know that there was a heavy snow storm on Wednesday and therefore school and in particualr QC was closed. Then schools and again particularly QC was reopened on Thursday. My issue was of course reopening of the school on Thursday. I personally had a lot of issues with that. I think it was more important if schools were closed on Thursday rather than Wednesday, and the reason is that, on Wednesday there was not much accumulation until pased the mid day, on the other hand on Thursday people got out of their houses when snow had completely accumulated and then the shoveling part and digging car out of the snow proccess had begun. I personally spent nearly 3 hours shoveling the snow before I could safely take my car out of the driveway. However QC was reopened and many like me felt unsafe about driving to school, or couldn’t even get to school. I did my best though and called the Accounting department only to find that both of my professors had canceled their classes on Thursday, and as a result school was indeed close for me. - Relocation
I have recently moved to a new location, actually out of Queens (in other words my hometown) to Nassau. My old location was a little over 2 miles away from QC. If I had walked it’d not take me more than 25 minutes. Now though, I’m over 13 miles away from QC which on a good day, without traffic it takes me about 25 minutes to get to the campus by car. This is to those who reside near the campus, make sure that you take advantage of this gift, and use it for the best. Living close to school or on the campus is a privilege that not everybody gets to enjoy. - Good Professors
Having a good professor is the most important element when it comes to registering for a course. I can care less about the day and the time of the class but I do NOT compromise the professor. A good, active, transparent, funny, interesting, intelligent, and a passionate professor motivates me to do better, stops me from drifting a way and dozing off in the classroom. He/She makes me fall in love with the given subject since he/she makes it so interesting. I remember growing up watching Mary Poppins saying “In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. You find the fun, and – SNAP – the job’s a game!” Well guess what? In classes you need a key to find that element of fun, and that key is the professor. I am sure more or less all of us have exprienced taking the same class with a funny professor and finding ourselves doing better than taking the same class with a monotone and boring professor. Of course one can not always take the required courses with the desired professor. But I try my best and if I can afford it, I wait a semester till I can get the right professor.
Thanks for reading, and thank you for leaving me comments.