Right off the bat I must brag a little bit about how I called Jacksonville taking Blake Bortles. I knew things were too quiet there. For there to be no […]
Israel(fest) Industry
This week, Queens College resembled a normal college campus for the first time this entire semester. There was not just one, but two exciting events that took place. With perfect weather as an added bonus, the Quad was finally filled with happy students. The first event, on Monday, was Springfest. While it was not bacchanalian […]
The $40 Freakout
Recently, SFC won the student government election, most likely in large part due to its recent achievement of establishing free printing in the library. (Thanks again!) This election was more significant than those of prior years because the ballot also included a referendum. The referendum was for funding a shuttle bus that would go to […]
2014 NFL Mock Draft 2.0
If you follow the NFL Draft, you know how quickly things change. The draft’s two most prominent analysts, Mel Kiper Jr. and Todd McShay have over 5 drafts done already. […]
Follow-up of Media in Today’s Culture
For those of you who remember my post a few weeks ago on how we’ve all lost touch with our true selves among the massive technological advances, here’s just a quick video I found that will move you to your bones. It shows how much you miss when you’re looking down at a screen instead […]
Culture in the times of Laura Ingalls Wilder
Anyone whose known me as a child can vouch for the fact that I was utterly memorized and obsessed with the way of life described in the little house books. As a young child, I didn’t really understand that gas, indoor bathrooms, and heating were commodities that only recently became available to all. Living in […]
Passover Business, Part II: The Aftermath
I mentioned in my last blog about how there is a tremendous amount of business associated with Passover. Interestingly enough, there is a great deal of post- Passover business, too. Once Passover ends, Jews are officially allowed to eat all kosher foods, including those that are leavened. Though the holiday is only eight days, many […]
2014 NFL Draft Big Board
With the NFL Draft a week away, it is time to finally unveil my big board. This is very different from the mock draft that I originally did. A mock […]
“Town and Country and Back Again”
I don’t know about you, but I had myself a very nice, down-home, Norman Rockwellesque type of Easter back at my family’s home in Michigan. Ham, egg hunt, family members both embraced and avoided – the whole nine yards, really. That was that, and then there were my forays into Detroit. In two days, I went […]
Donald Sterling, He Who Must Not Be Named
This headline doesn’t need anything else. I hate to even write about the man and give him even more publicity, but a topic of this manner needs to be addressed. […]