People choose to be vegetarian for various reasons. Common misconceptions confuse people about the reasons behind the choice to be vegetarian or vegan, and therefore, I have decided to clear some of these confusions. I have been a vegetarian for all my life and I choose to, not because of religious reasons, but because I […]
Spring / Summer Plans
Though I definitely feel too old for it, I’m extra grateful for spring break this year. A solid two weeks off class at just the right time – seems like everybody’s feeling the burn this time around. I’m going back to home to metro Detroit in just a couple hours, to see family, recoup, and read […]
Pre- Summer Travelling Guide
Now that it’s April and we only have a few more weeks of school ahead of us, many people have started planning their trips to places all around the work. So no matter whether you are visiting family in your birthplace or travelling in anticipation of a new cultural experience, a good Travel Guide is […]
Passover Business
The onset of spring break is welcomed with open arms. Everyone agrees that it marks the start of a short period of respite from being constantly inundated with work (However, even that is not entirely accurate, considering the amount of papers and midterms due once we return!) Being the highly diverse campus on which it […]
Let’s Play! (Part 2)
Carol Westby refers to the Symbolic Levels of play development as “not just the addition of skill, but the reorganization of thought.” She defines the following 4 dimensions of play which are used when analyzing play activity: Decontextualization and object substitution: allows play to occur with decreasing environmental support or changing reliance on props from …
It’s True: No more $15 for Printing –> Free Printing!
Last semester, I divulged the details behind the QC administration’s decision to no longer give $15 in printing money to students who complete teacher evaluations. I was thrilled to see that blog go quasi-viral, having been shared on Facebook by many outraged students. Knowing that each time I printed something I was depleting my precious […]
UConn Students Go Wild After NCAA Championships
This past week was a big one for the University of Connecticut. Monday was the Men’s NCAA Basketball National Championship game. UConn defied the odds to make it to this […]
My Most Powerful Shopping Secret, Part II: Online Shopping and Outlet Stores
Last week, I shared with you all of my secrets about how I manage to shop at Lord & Taylor so frequently, but while still conserving the contents of my bank account. Unfortunately, most people I know do not share the same positive sentiments I hold toward Lord & Taylor, a place where you can […]
My Most Powerful Shopping Secret: How to Shop at Lord & Taylor for Cheap
As someone with a reputation for being able to buy anything and everything at rock bottom prices, I am often inundated with requests to join friends in their shopping excursions. With a few rare exceptions, I go shopping solo, to the chagrin of many. I do this not because I am anti-social (I frequently chat […]
Public Transportation in NYC: Are Shuttles Necessary?
I was five years old the first time I took New York City’s MTA bus and subway. I still remember thinking how cool it was to look out the window and see the city I live in fly by. I felt grown up, surrounded by businessmen in suits talking rapidly in their cell phones. I […]