Study and work HARDER, not LONGER. I always procrastinate, which prolongs the time it takes to finish my work. If I put more effort in my work, it should NOT take as long. Study MORE. Play LATER. This year, I overly-compensated myself with long study breaks and too many unnecessary thrifty shopping sprees. NO MORE! I’m only […]
The Crash.
I manage to finish my classes in an crazed impromptu manner. I just wanted anything related to school work to be done with already. I would not suggest cramming for two finals in one night. I think I still suffer from the straining consequence to my mind as it continues to produce incoherent gibberish. Eh, I’m glad my friends […]
Its & Bits of QC 2011-03-23 09:33:19
I don’t dream big when I don’t invest big. I first take a good look at myself in the mirror before I dream of the things that I want. Sure, you can say that I’m negative and don’t have enough confidence but I’m extremely realistic and almost 99% of the times my predictions turn into […]