Preparing to Swim

This past Friday I went to my cooperating school with a small pit in my stomach – I was to find out exactly which class I will be teaching next semester.  STUDENT TEACHING IS COMING! I observed one class of MATH143, a class exactly lined up with the last third of the Calculus unit at Queens college, and then […]

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Ping-Pong or Pictures

Think to high school and the questions that bounced around the room.  I can imagine most started with the teacher asking a question and then a student would answer.  Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.  Oh, then throw in a few “Whys?” by the teacher, and maybe a time for reversals, student questions and teacher answers.  The majority […]

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Backtracking Thoughts

About a week and a half ago I commented on a geometric art display, but since then someone pointed about that the writing from the art work could be poking fun at verbal proofs.  I was struck.  How didn’t I see that? While I must continue to see the beauty in the math, I must […]

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Is Algebra Necessary?*

About a year ago, in an effort to keep up to date with Educational news, I subscribed for NYTimes weekly education updates.  If I’m to be absolutely honest here, my effort to read these is often abandoned. Still, sometimes as I glance over the articles offered a particular one will catch my eye. The immediate effect is to self […]

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Can’t Do, Can Do

The unfortunate reality of mathematics education, is that many students in the classrooms come up with the idea that they can’t do it.  “I just don’t have a math brain like you,” is a common comment I’ve received. If this were a true statement it would be rather unfortunate, for then there would be just […]

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