***Spring concerts***

Today the percussionists had a mini ragtime music concert outdoors (with only 2 marimbas and one xylophone as the instrumentation!). The idea of having it outside was cute and the music was cute, however the weather was not as cute as they probably expected from a Spring day! It was extremely windy and chilli. In […]

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Listen to your Mahler.

This weekend is going to be intense. Both tomorrow night and Sunday afternoon I will be singing in QC’s Choral Society/QC Orchestra’s performance of Mahler’s Symphony No.2! This piece is amazing from beginning to end. Made up of five movements, the piece starts with a furious first movement which catches your attention. It’s filled with […]

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Jazz Orchestra!!

This past Sunday I had to first-time experiences with Jazz. First, it was my first time going to the Jazz Standard, a very classy venue/restaurant which is popular for having great current Jazz musicians play there. Secondly, it was my first time seeing a jazz orchestra live! And boy, it was great! It was Maria […]

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