Brain Fart

Recipe of the Week: Barbequed Steak and Potatoes Have you ever noticed that when you get upset or stressed, everything just seems to go wrong? It’s a vicious cycle really. When you’re stressed, you’re predisposed to think negatively about everything that happens, so in theory, you get stressed out even more than you already were in […]

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Growing Up

Recipe of the Week: Ground Turkey With Potatoes Growing up, everyone always stressed how important it was to have kids at the right time. My grandmother would insist that it was blasphemous to have kids before the age of 25 and after the age of 30. Growing up, I didn’t see anything particularly wrong with […]

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Insomnia, Already?

The number one thing you should never do when you dorm, is schedule classes with long breaks in between. There are too many opportunities to procrastinate, and my day feels three times as long. That’s not an exaggeration. I thought that by having large breaks, I would be able to get more work done. Unfortunately, […]

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Recipe of the Week: Chicken and Potatoes Staying home for a week was fun…ish. What with all the anxiety and lack of power, I wouldn’t exactly call it a “vacation.” The night before, I went to the supermarket and bought enough food for a month. I had no way of knowing whether or not the […]

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