May is Amost HEAR!

May is Better Speech and Hearing Month! ASHA has recently launched a campaign called “Identify the Signs” to highlight just how important early detection of communication disorders is. The campaign also highlights “the ability of certified speech, language and hearing professionals to provide quality treatment and help.” Communication disorders cause an estimated 40 million Americans …

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Speech vs. Language

When you hear someone say “I’m a Speech-Language Pathologist” do you think, aren’t they being repetitive by saying both words: speech and language? I never really thought about the differences until recently. Language is the primary medium of human communication.  It uses socially shared codes to represent concepts we want to convey to each other. …

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The Crash.

I manage to finish my classes in an crazed impromptu manner. I just wanted anything related to school work to be done with already. I would not suggest cramming for two finals in one night. I think I still suffer from the straining consequence to my mind as it continues to produce incoherent gibberish. Eh, I’m glad my friends […]

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Commencement ^_^

So congrats seniors for finishing your last semester at QC (except for those who still have to take summer classes >_<) and finally graduating. ^^ Also, a special thanks for everyone who was able to come and listen to my speech (especially my friends Jenn and Sam since who just came to support me even […]

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