Spring Time?

Recipe of the Week: Cheese Borek I would book a flight on the only day New York City was expecting snow during spring break. I planned this trip to Florida about a month ago expecting to leave New York spring weather and arrive in nice Florida heat. That is not what happened. Not only did […]

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And The Clock Struck Twelve

And just like that, we’re snapped back to reality. In just a few hours, we’re trudging back to classes, blinking at the professor as they gesture emphatically to the PowerPoint slides, wondering why they’re so enthusiastic when they know your brain is still skipping in la-la-land and probably won’t be back until tomorrow. Ahhh, what […]

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Spring Break, AWWW YEAH

Ahh, the break every student lives for and every parent dreads. The break that movies are made of. People, the countdown has reached zero. Spring Break…has arrived! Oh yeah. THIS. THIS is what I’m talking about. After two months of being on autopilot, churning out papers, and digging down deep to find some semblance of […]

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Sometimes, Life Be Crazy

SIGH. Mhmm. I understand. Sometimes, life just kicks you where it hurts. When you’re already down. For no reason at all. Whether it’s ten pages of utter torture in the form of intro, graphs, and references, or a test that you’ve bombed spectacularly regardless of the fact that you studied so hard you can practically […]

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Looking Ahead to Spring Break

It is still the beginning of March, but I’m sure a lot of us are already looking ahead to spring break and making plans to head down to Florida or go off on cruise to the Caribbean. I definitely want a few relaxing days on a tropical beach or a nicely air-conditioned hotel room to celebrate the few […]

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