Spring Break, AWWW YEAH

Ahh, the break every student lives for and every parent dreads. The break that movies are made of. People, the countdown has reached zero. Spring Break…has arrived! Oh yeah. THIS. THIS is what I’m talking about. After two months of being on autopilot, churning out papers, and digging down deep to find some semblance of […]

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Spring Break Is Over

It was pretty long – more than a week long. But now it’s over. On Tuesday students will once again rush to their classes continuing on wherever they left off the last day before the break, as if there was never any breaks in the first place. There is something magical about th time. It’s […]

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Spring Break

Spring break started for me after my last class ended at 7:45 PM on Thursday, March 25th. But the actual break only starts from tomorrow, Monday, March 29th. It’s time to have some fun, enjoy the break, go somewhere and do something. However that’s not so much the case for me. I am not going […]

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