What does it take to succeed?

It is the 21st Century. We have all the resources we need. It is not like the 15th century, or even the beginning of the 20th century when in order to be successful in life you had to be either inherently rich, or extremely smart, or exceptionally lucky. Nowadays we all have EVERYTHING we need in order to do well. By “we” I mean at least the citizens of advanced countries, like the U.S. The  availability of computers and the Internet access alone is suffice to prove that we really do have everything to be successful. Did you know that the invention of the Internet is so incredible that it is compared to the invention of wheel and the discovery of fire?  That’s something that we, in all honesty do no appreciate as much as we should.

What do we do with the internet? Well, there is facebook, and farmville, so we can have some fun. This is more or less what an avergae student uses the internet for; to pass the time. In my opinion the internet is a great supplemental tool for every single course we take, and it is not just limited to that course that we’re taking but rather the rest of our lives as well.

I guess we should all go and talk to our parents and grandparents, and just ask them how did they do their papers prior to the invention of the Internet. It wasn’t that long ago, it was nearly 20 years ago when college students like you and me had to do the same amount and quality of work WITHOUT the internet. A little before that without Microsoft Word and Excel, without Microsoft powerpoint presentation! Can you imagine that?

So how come the bar is getting lower and lower? How come students with all these resources around them CANNOT yet do well? What is stopping us? What is the obstacle?

I think we are not grateful for the kind of tools we have around us. I think we took the presence of technology for granted and do not really APPRECIATE it appropriately.

I may sound like grandpas trying to give advice to their grandkids, but that’s not true. I, like any other student tend to use the Internet as a tool to kill some time, and entertain myself at least half the times I’m on the web. But I want to change that trend. I want to use the tools I have, especially those that were not around just a few decades ago more efficiently and appropriately. Maybe that’s just what it takes to succeed in this day and age.