Gravitational Absence

Two days ago (April 26th) was officially the last day of Spring Break ’11.  And..

I know it’s been almost a month since I last posted.  I didn’t realize that I would be gone for so long.  There have been so many instances where I would tell myself to write, but I just couldn’t.  Truth is, I’ve actually been trying to avoid it.  That was the only way I could stay away from confronting my feelings.  I haven’t really been honest with myself lately, but it’s time for me to start being true to myself and face my fears.

I’ve been suffering from a major case of depression and anxiety since sophomore year of high school, and it has really affected my social and academic life, along with my relationship with my family.  I’ve seen so many therapists that I’ve lost count.  My shrink has been prescribing me meds for the past year and a half, and nothing seems to be working too well.  My anxiety might have gone down a bit, but my depression can’t seem to stay away from me.  I feel as though all the energy in me has been sucked out; I’m tired all the time and sleep excessively.  I wish there was a way for me to overcome this.  I’ve been trying.  Sometimes it gets so hard it’s hard to even tell the difference between night and day.