Why It’s Hard to NOT Care About the Royal Wedding

I’ll admit, just yesterday I was a little bit annoyed at all the buzz about the nuptials of Prince William and Kate Middleton. I just kept thinking to myself, what’s the big deal? How is it any different than from any other celebrity couple getting married?

Still, I’m not gonna lie, I was still a little interested. Not interested enough to wake up at 4am, but interested enough to have every intention of catching up on YouTube.

Then, this morning, I found myself waking up at 8am for class. I turned the TV on and, lo and behold, William and Kate were stepping out onto the balcony of Buckingham Palace.

From that moment on, I was completely hooked. I watched as they waved to the massive crowd, Kate looking absolutely beautiful and William as handsome as ever, and all I could think was, “Wow.”

In those few seconds, I could suddenly see the world’s fascination with this couple and I realized why there was such a buzz.

There’s a really big fairytale element to this wedding, the idea that a prince would marry a “commoner”. Isn’t that what most Disney movies portray, a low or middle class girl falling into the arms of a wealthy prince? It’s happened right before our eyes, here in reality, and it’s almost impossible to not be even a little bit interested.

I couldn’t help but smile when they kissed on the balcony and waved at the crowd. There was just something so sweet and romantic about it, something magical about the very idea of a royal wedding. The word “royal” itself brings images of fairytales to mind, and connecting it to real life is almost surreal.

England’s royal family isn’t the only royal family in the world, but it’s probably the most prestigious, which is why people have made a big deal out of it. Not to mention the fact that the last royal wedding was that of Princess Diana’s, and that will always be in the memories of people who got to watch that.

In a way, it is a big deal because it’s making history. Just by watching the wedding on TV, you can say that you were part of a historical event.

The wedding itself was very, very formal and very traditional, and just the fact that it was so grandiose amplified it’s fascination factory. How they arrived, what they wore, everything was straight out of some film.

I have a few friends who are still a bit like, “Who cares?” about the whole thing, but I think that if you think about it, I mean really think about it… you start to care. Even curiosity is caring.

After all, who isn’t enthralled by a fairytale?