As a Senior at Queens College who started his education in 2006, I have witnessed some noteworthy changes at Queens College. There have been a lot of improvements such as the Summit, and there have been major decline in services and quality on different levels. Almost all of the drawbacks can be linked to the economy. Budget issues, unavailability of funds, have made it tougher for the school faculty, staff and especially the students.
I say students because they are the ones paying the tuition. We, the students essentially pay our professor’s paycheck, bills, and everything else and yet, during the toughest time of the semester, meaning the final’s week, we receive an email saying that the school is trying to save money and therefore air condition season have been shortened.
The interesting part is that between today and May 27th there would be thousands of students on campus taking exams in different buildings and yet for the most part air conditions are off.
I am the most hopeful and optimistic student. I always say, it’ll get better. But seriously, WHEN???
For how long do we have to wait and see more cuts taking place, reduction of services, and tuition hikes? As much as I am aware of the economic situtation, BUT I firmly believe that there is a major problem with the system. I wish we could analyze the tone at the top of the this whole system. It really suck.
Did you know CUNY paid $500 million for CUNYfirst? CUNY has money to spend things of that nature, for something that was working FINE in the first place! But they don’t have money to keep the air conditions on during the finals week.
For thousands of students that WILL NOT be on campus after May 27th, they could careless whether the A/Cs are on or not once they are gone. This is the time that the library’s air should be kept clean, fresh and cool. This is the time in which they should make sure that the students have the appropriate environment to study and do well in their exams.
For now, we just have to deal with what we have. The current situation may not be the best but we don’t have much choice. Let’s hope for the best that Queens College would survive these tough times.Professors