That Sunday Class…The Best Friend Understands

Aaand how was everyone’s Valentine’s Day? Should I even ask? Yeah? No? Okay then, moving on.

Today was exhausting. No, correction, today IS exhausting because look at that, today hasn’t ended yet. Oy. My date-time awareness is so far out of wack, that it’s just…it’s nonexistent. Kaput. There is no beginning or end to my week anymore since I don’t actually have any days off, so my week just kind of…continues…endlessly…forever…

AwesomeMonkeyle sigh

It doesn’t exactly help that every Sunday I start class at 8:20 and end class at 2:50. Yep, you read those times right. I am in class for almost 7 hours…on a Sunday. No, I am not insane. Well, actually-OY! That’s not relevant! Point is, I have to take this class on a Sunday because it wouldn’t fit in my schedule otherwise, unless of course I cut down on my working hours but…that means I get paid less and…well…I don’t want THAT now, do I? So now I suffer every Sunday. ‘Course it helps that the best friend suffers with me. And I say that with the utmost love, truly…Pfffft….HAHAHA *cough cough* I truly sympathize with her, truly.

Anyway, in all seriousness, I do owe the best friend a lot. If I wasn’t taking this Sunday class with her, there is no way that I would have been able to wake up on time. But thanks to her, my phone rings nonstop with wake up texts at 6:50AM on the dot and doesn’t stop until I can actually hold a coherent conversation with her in which my response times are at no more than a 1-2 seconds delay. Otherwise, it just means that I woke up to reply to her and then went back to sleep and then woke up again to reply and so on. Yep, that is what I’m capable of. I equally love and loathe the best friend for being wise enough to see through all my tricks.

Sigh, at the end of the day, a college student’s just gotta do what a college student’s gotta do. I hope all you guys are hanging in there, and if at any point you feel that pesky Procrastination bug starting to itch or those ninja deadlines starting to sneak up on you, you just gotta roll up your sleeves and march over to them and demand they show themselves! Like so:


Have a great week, my fellow scholarly procrastinators and procrastinating scholars.

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