It’s Finals Time Again


And just like that, another semester’s come to an end and it’s that dreaded week again when the Finals are upon us and you can smell their foulness in every corner of the library. This is going to be a short post, more of a break-in-between-studying sort of post. Because we need breaks. Breaks are good. Say it with me now: Breaks are goooood.

I know how easy it can be to get carried away with studying and stress around this time. You start to lose track of meals and sleep and sanity and quite frankly, just all semblance of life outside of prepping for finals. Your emotional stability is a joke, half the time you’re either crying or laughing, and half the time you’re crying AND laughing.


However, there is a bright light on the horizon. Eventually, one day, we’ll all look back on Finals Weeks of yore and laugh at ourselves and then pat ourselves on the back because we survived. Let’s not forget, it’s just a test. Yes, it’s an important test, but in the grand scheme of things, it’s just a tiny speck of an event in the course of our lives. So let’s not forget to put things in perspective, and breathe and relax in between the studying.

In the meantime, Good Luck to everyone on your finals! Come on, guys, we got this!

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