Reflections on Using CAD for Pattern-Making

Afternoons of clicking away on Optitex ended last week. Optitex is the pattern-making software I learned how to use during my three-week intensive course, CAD (computer-aided design) for Fashion/Advanced Pattern Making. Optitex has tools for making darts, joining pieces, adding pleats, adding seams, and adding buttons. One of the most confusing things about the program […]

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Making Maps: Part II

Made using GeoGebra.

In the last post, we introduced the idea of maps, also known as functions. It’s hard to overstate how important functions are in modern math. Functions make things happen. They explain mathematical relationships. And they make up a language from which mathematical concepts are built. But before we get to anything like that, let’s look at a few more examples. First, we’ll consider […]

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Settling In

This spring semester, I’m studying abroad in Florence, Italy. My friend, Samantha, is in the same program too at Florence University of the Arts (FUA). She has a blog about her experience, too! I’m very excited to share my experience with you. Thus, this DIY blog will go in a slightly different direction due to […]

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