Stepping out of New York City and into Wave Hill Gardens will literally make you feel as if you’ve been transported into a Disney Movie. As soon as you’ve ventured through the visitors center, the city is instantaneously left behind you. The cold, metallic visuals are replaced with soft lush scenery and the chaotic hustle […]
Month: November 2016
Political Correctness & ‘Islamic Terrorism’
My last post on political correctness examined the effects of herd mentality and discussed examples of political correctness and its intrusion on critical thinking. This is the second part to that post, but this one focuses on political correctness done in moderation where it isn’t an impediment to critical thinking. An instance of political correctness undertaken in moderation […]
Turkey Burger at a BBQ Joint
A few months ago, I stopped eating red meat. There’s no solid reason why, I just felt like doing it and had been thinking about doing it for a while. I miss cheeseburgers everyday. Anyway, going into it a big concern of mine was that I thought I was going to have trouble finding things to eat […]
The ‘Other’ People
On almost every form you fill out there is a question about either race or ethnicity. College applications, job applications, census forms, the list goes on. Usually, there is a list of races for you to categorize yourself: Caucasian, African American/Black, Hispanic/Latino, Asian, Middle Eastern, Pacific Islander, Native American/Alaskan and Other… What’s an “other”? I […]
A Restaurant…… Inside A Loading Dock!?
Yes! You heard that right, a restaurant inside a loading dock. I don’t know who came up with the idea, but, it’s sure darn creative. A couple blocks down from 34th street, sandwiched between a massive Dunkin’ Donuts and your run of the mill deli, sits little hole in the wall, El Sabroso. Now, I’ve traveled to 34th street many […]
The Future is here at QC
This is Matt Greco: Matt teaches digital image-making and photography here at QC, and is also responsible for all the 3D printing that happens in the digital imaging lab. That figurine you see is a 3D print of a full body scan taken of Matt. Last week, I met Matt in the lab in Klapper Hall to […]
Lessons From Go Fish
On a family vacation in the Rocky Mountains, my siblings decided to play Go Fish. My brother made a rule: if anyone gets dealt three of the same card (like three 8’s), return your cards and shuffle the deck. My hunch was that a triple isn’t actually so rare. So what are the actual odds of getting a triple if the deck is shuffled randomly? How would you go about figuring that out?
Hey, Look What I Just Tweeted: Epigrams and Activism
I don’t know about you, but I have trouble reading long internet articles. The drawn-out language. The never-ending examples and justifications. Even just finding the time to sit down and read something for more than a couple of minutes during my hectic day. In fact, I’m sure many of you probably won’t even read this post from […]
The End of Garbage
It seems many of us are terrified of the looming garbage apocalypse. We’re shocked by stories of massive garbage islands in the pacific, or steaming piles of electronic waste in Eastern Europe. Maybe we go to the supermarket with tote bags, and buy goods guaranteed to be made of recycled materials. We just can’t get […]
Hidden NYC – Mama’s Backyard Café
All my friends know the secret way to my heart is through bakery doors. Can I please tell you how much I love bakeries? Creamy cheesecakes, fluffy warm bagels topped with melting butter, sweet cakes sprinkled with all sorts of yummy deliciousness! You get the jist. I’ve been to many bakeries, but I had never heard […]