Not Just That Annoying Email Reminder: How Course Evaluations Benefit Us

“This syllabus makes no sense.” “Sorry, I can’t hang out tonight. Professor ____ loaded us up with way too much homework again.” “The material in my biology class is ridiculously unclear.”  “I can’t even hear anything that Professor _____ says! He speaks so quietly!”  “I wish somebody had warned me about this professor…”  It must be […]

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Sci-Fi Fantasy’s own GamerGate

The Huge Awards is the highest award in science fiction and fantasy. This year, it is center stage in SF/F’s own GamerGate. Through vigorous campaigning and buying voter-only memberships to the World Science Fiction convention, a movement that seems eerily similar to the GamerGate of last year swept the nomination ballot in opposition of diversity […]

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Are We Real Politicians Yet?

If you’re a QC student reading this: Congratulations! You survived student government elections. Fortunately there were no casualties this year. But there are few, if any students, who left this week saying, “Wow. I really enjoyed exercising my right to vote this week!” If you’re not a QC student or are just unaware of what […]

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