Più Arte!*

*Più arte = more art Too much about politics in the past couple of weeks, we want more about studying abroad and Italy! Am I right? Instead of bombarding you with information and lots of writing, this weeks post will be very easy to read. Well, more like observe. As I’ve mentioned in a previous […]

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Hillary’s “Secret”

You don’t really have to watch this video to know what Hillary is announcing. Surprise, surprise, Hillary is running for president! And as many have said, it has probably been the world’s “worst-kept” secret. Besides the obvious confession, if you take the time to watch her announcement video, it is probably one of the most […]

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Hillary’s “Scandal”

*When I refer to Clinton, I mean Hillary Clinton, NOT Bill Clinton. Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton: we know a lot about her and her promiscuous husband don’t we? But is that who Hillary is? The common adjectives that I’ve heard her described as include: bitch, head-strong, arrogant, wife, lesbian, mother, strong, leader, stubborn, hypocritical, unsuitable, […]

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Ebola, Get Over It.

Ebola. Did you shiver? I definitely did a little bit. But why are we Americans so afraid of Ebola? Who is Ebola really affecting? West Africans. Want to know why we’re so afraid? Watch this 2-minute video: The Difference Between US and UK Ebola News Coverage (YouTube) So what exactly is Ebola and what does it look […]

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