An Immigrant Experience

Hello All! I am Ammirah Lune and I will be writing about what life is like as a Muslim American in present-day United States. I will also discuss Islamic culture and traditions in hopes that my posts will help defeat stereotypes and misinformation both about Islam and what it means to be a Muslim & American. In […]

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Math in the Tweets?

So Wednesday came and went.  I can’t exactly say that I nailed my final observation, but rather I may say that it was my worst out of all four! No matter, I still learned from it and I can now focus all my attention on what is to come. Graduation. Summer. Teaching. Life.   Life, that’s funny […]

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Group Work aka TRUST NO ONE

Weekly lesson: When the professor assigns group work, no matter who you work with, unless you are with your best friend or a very attractive member of the sex that you are attracted to…you will suffer. You will shake your fists at the sky in valiant attempts to not smack them across your fellow members’ […]

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And The Clock Struck Twelve

And just like that, we’re snapped back to reality. In just a few hours, we’re trudging back to classes, blinking at the professor as they gesture emphatically to the PowerPoint slides, wondering why they’re so enthusiastic when they know your brain is still skipping in la-la-land and probably won’t be back until tomorrow. Ahhh, what […]

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Sometimes, Life Be Crazy

SIGH. Mhmm. I understand. Sometimes, life just kicks you where it hurts. When you’re already down. For no reason at all. Whether it’s ten pages of utter torture in the form of intro, graphs, and references, or a test that you’ve bombed spectacularly regardless of the fact that you studied so hard you can practically […]

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