April…Just April

Well, will you look at that? I’m behind on my blog posts again. You know, I’d love to figure out exactly what it is I DO with all my time, since I never seem to be using it for anything school-related. Time-Management Extraordinaire, that’s me. Then again, it’s not really procrastinating. As a matter of […]

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Almost there!

Recipe of the week: Chicken Shish Kebab As a lower freshman in college, this is my first finals week. My reaction: “Why does everyone say this is so difficult? All-nighters aren’t necessary. As long as you manage your time wisely, the studying and last minute assignments can be done quickly!” Five hours into anxiety induced […]

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The Friday Of The Months

HAPPY DECEMBER ONE AND ALL! Happy jingling and fa-la-la-ing, happy snow dashing and gorgeous lighting, happy hot chocolate steaming and wiggling toes under the covers snuggling. And most importantly, HAPPY ALMOST END OF THE SEMESTER! Man, I love December. It’s like the Friday to all the months. After a long, hard year, December strolls along […]

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