The Unripe Avocado

Recipe of the Week: Guacamole And we’re back! Welcome everyone to the start of a new semester. Sorry for the delayed post, I was having some issues with uploading pictures. I previously wrote about how depressing the start of the semester was because of all the rain and the snow. At a second glance I […]

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Fire Alarm Woes

Recipe of the week: Scrambled Eggs ‘Twas the crack of dawn. Light was barely seeping through the shades of my windows. My eyes popped open with a sudden realization. “I want scrambled eggs and toast” Does this ever happen to you? Waking up at absurd times with intense cravings is never a pleasant experience, unless […]

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Recipe of the Week: Chicken and Potatoes Staying home for a week was fun…ish. What with all the anxiety and lack of power, I wouldn’t exactly call it a “vacation.” The night before, I went to the supermarket and bought enough food for a month. I had no way of knowing whether or not the […]

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